Reach the All Training

Computer Science is Foundational

Three teachers from across Roane County along with the Integrated Technology Specialist attended the Reach Them All Program training this week hosted by TDOE and TSIN.  These teachers were selected to represent Elementary ( Kevin Ayers, Midway Elementary),  Middle ( Eva Robbins, OSHS), and HIgh School ( Sonya Hatfield, OSHS).  The team is now ready to start training teachers all across the district in best practices for implementing Computer Science across the curriculum.  

This program highlights the importance of computer science instruction for all students and provides Tennessee educators and district-level leadership professional development that integrates computer science practices into and across academic subjects and content. The Reach Them All Program is a train-the-trainer model for PD that will allow the small TSIN team to effectively reach every school in the state with a baseline of exposure for teachers within 16 months and have all schools ready to begin meeting new standards beginning with the 2023-24 school year. This gives schools a full year head start before state accountability measures take effect. 

 The “Reach Them All” program is designed to: 

  • Develop communities of practice within every district through the train-the-trainer model of professional learning.
  • Enhance capacities to promote integration of computer science into every classroom in the state.
  • Prepare districts to understand new computer science legislation and expectations and adapt practices moving forward.
  • Create a network with at least one point of contact in every district to disseminate ongoing information and best practices in regards to computer science.